The SIA Foundation awarded over $80,000 in capital grants to 13 Indiana charitable organizations at a ceremony held at Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. today. Recipients represented Clinton, Howard, Marion, Monroe, Tippecanoe, St Joseph, Porter, and Vigo counties. Since its establishment in 1997, the SIA Foundation has awarded more than $1.5 million to fund the needs of Hoosiers.
The SIA Foundation awards grants twice annually to nonprofit organizations seeking capital funding in arts and culture, health and welfare or education programs. Information on the SIA Foundation and the grant application process can be found at
Capital grant recipient organizations for the Spring 2018 grant cycle are:
Lafayette Lions Club - Tippecanoe County - $6,445 – Health & Welfare
The organization will purchase a Plusoptix camera, this camera works by reflecting an infrared beam off of the child’s retina and then having the results interpreted by an internal signal processor. It is harmless, invisible, and takes less than 5 seconds per child. This camera will allow eye screenings for the increased demand of area students 6 months to 6 years old.
Woodland Elementary School - Tippecanoe County - $7,967 – Education
The funds will be used to create a pollinator garden and outdoor learning space. The garden will incorporate native plants which will attract and sustain pollinators such as butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Educators will also utilize the garden for authentic learning experiences related to soil, plants, adaptations, and life cycle.
Kokomo-Howard County Public Library – Howard County - $8,000 – Education
This organization will purchase equipment needed to expand a STEM program called Digital Divers. Digital Divers is an ocean-themed, after-school program for children and teens to compete to see who can “dive” the deepest in technology by completing challenges to earn points for rewards. The iMac Computers, iPads, Photoshop, webcams, and music recording/creation software will allow students to be problem-solvers and have the ability to find or create knowledge.
Wea Ridge Middle School – Tippecanoe County – $3,500 – Education
The school will purchase iPod touches and virtual reality glasses for seventh grade Social Studies students with the funds from the grant. The virtual reality technology in the classroom will allow students to “travel” to the different places in the world that they study on a daily basis, such as the Great Wall of China or Sahara Desert.
Foundation of Monroe County Community Schools – Monroe County - $4,901 – Education
This funds will be used to will purchase cubelets, which are modular robotic blocks that inspire students to create, construct, problem solve, and become better thinkers. The cubelets will allow for the development of curriculum and project based learning that will encourage elementary and middle school-level students to pursue STEM-related courses in high school and after graduation, ultimately developing students who are ready to join an increasingly STEM focused workforce.
YWCA Greater Lafayette – Tippecanoe County - $3,727 – Arts & Culture
Grant funds will be used to purchase a Marley dance floor, which is a roll-up surface that is great for tap, ballet and demonstrations. The YWCA currently has one dance studio with hardwood floors. Because tap dancing would ruin the ballet floor, all tap is being done on tile, which is dangerous for slipping and very hard on dancers' legs. The new dance floor will increase safety and capacity, which will allow for a better quality experience for the dancers.
Clinton County Fair Council, Inc.– Clinton County- $6,195 – Health & Wealth
This grant will go towards replacing the present oven gas range with a same sized unit equipped with electronic starters. The new oven will reduce the demand for gas and air conditioning and provide a much safer and convenient environment for their clients’ use
Wheeler Mission Ministries – Marion County - $8,500 – Health & Welfare
Grant funds will be used to buy a combi oven, which will take the place of their convection ovens, as well as replace their steamer, kettle, fryer, smoker and dehydrator. Also, this one item will be able to poach, bake, roast and steam foods; allowing for greater variety in menu offerings. The combi oven will provide 40-50% faster cook times and higher yields of meals, which is badly needed with the number of guests served growing on an annual basis.
Indiana State University – Vigo County - $8,000 – Health & Welfare
This grant will fund the purchase of a portable Biodex Biosway testing device which is portable and allows for both concussion testing of youth football players through a volunteer program with the Boys and Girls Club of Terre Haute plus balance testing of the elderly during community service projects at health fairs, etc. As well as to provide regular physical therapy services to underserved/uninsured individuals performed by Doctor of Physical Therapy students under faculty supervision.
Northwest Indiana Food Council - Porter County - $10,000 – Health & Welfare
Grant funds will facilitate the creation of a beginning farmer tool library. The tool library will allow farmers to try tools that may otherwise be out of financial reach as they work to build a client base. This will allow them to focus their financial investments elsewhere on the farm. Moreover, because these tools are not readily available from local equipment suppliers, they will be positioned to help farmers try and subsequently locate tools for purchase, as well as connect them with more seasoned farmers to train them in their use and provide mentorship
Tippecanoe Arts Federation - Tippecanoe County - $10,000 – Arts & Culture
The funds from this grant will help purchase the necessary music and production equipment for a Recording and Music Studio. The new equipment will include recorders, microphones, headphones, mixers, monitors, and more. This new equipment will not only increase the income revenue for the Tippecanoe Arts Federation through a surge in room usage and reservation, but also increase the engagement of children, teens, and young adults more fully in the cultural life of the community while broadening a deeper audience for arts and culture.
Lafayette School Corporation - Tippecanoe County - $2,500 – Education
The school will purchase new furniture to better be able to accommodate students in wheelchairs, Rifton Chairs, and other types of equipment with the funds from the grant. These tables would also allow a teacher or paraprofessional to be able to work with a smaller group of students and all students will be able to access the tables regardless of adapted equipment that may be used with the student. Overall, these tables are expected to help hundreds of students access the classroom in the years to come.
Cultivate Culinary School and Catering Inc.- St Joseph County - $3,000 – Health & Welfare
This grant will purchase a residential-sized food freeze dryer which will allow Cultivate Culinary School & Catering to create healthy products that could easily be sent home with the children”, without requiring refrigerationthrough local school programs such as “pack a snack”. In addition to freeze dried snacks, they would like to use the new freezer to create insulated sacks that would allow kids to take home their frozen meals. The new snacks would keep the meals frozen for 4-6 hours, and allow children to have healthy meals instead of just supplemental snacks.